Welcome to “On the Barstool with the Pub Pastor,” a podcast where theology meets everyday life. Join in as we share musings on faith, church, being a non-evangelical in the south, sports, cocktails, and the twists and turns of life. Whether you’re here for deep reflections or a good laugh, grab a seat and let’s chat!
A little about our creator – Rev. Gayle Tabor, aka the Pub Pastor, is a United Methodist pastor, church planter, and passionate advocate for an inclusive and welcoming faith community. As the visionary behind SALT Inclusive Methodist Community in Wilmington, NC, Gayle brings a unique blend of wisdom, warmth, and wit to ministry. With a rich background that includes careers as a paralegal and marketing professional, Gayle’s path to the pulpit was anything but traditional. Earning a Master of Divinity after the age of 50, Gayle was honored with the Harry Denman Evangelism Award by the North Carolina Conference of the UMC in 2022 for creative and impactful approach to spreading the Gospel (watch a video about Gayle’s ministry)
Known for a love of deep conversations, whether over a pint or during a cycling adventure, Gayle embodies the spirit of faith meeting life in real, relatable ways. Gayle’s an avid Cubs fan, a devoted Dalmatian rescuer, and a sea turtle rescue enthusiast, bringing a diverse passions to every sermon and story shared.
On the Barstool with the Pub Pastor,  invites you to pull up a stool and join in for thought-provoking discussions on faith, life, and everything in between.

