Welcome to On the Barstool with the Pub Pastor!
I’m Rev. Gayle Tabor, but you can call me the Pub Pastor. This blog is your companion to the podcast where we dive into musings on theology, church, sports, and life—all from the unique perspective of a pastor who finds inspiration in the most unexpected places.
As we share this journey, you can expect a blend of deep conversations and light-hearted reflections, drawing from my experiences as a pastor, cyclist, Chicago Cubs fan, and lover of all things Lego and Dalmatians. Whether you’re here for the theology, the sports analogies, or just some good old-fashioned storytelling, there’s something for everyone.
So grab a seat, maybe a pint, and join me as we explore what it means to live authentically and faithfully in today’s world.
Welcome to the barstool!

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